Past Trainings

2 Days Training on Recent Technologies in Waste Water Treatment
Confederation of Indian Textile Industries
18th & 19th June 2004 | Lahore, Pakistan

2 Days Training on Jute Processing & Textile Effluent Treatment
10th & 11th April 2006 | Dhaka- Bangladesh

4 Days Training on Sugar Industry & Bioethanol production technologies
13th,14th,15th & 16th Sept 2006 | Manila -Phillipines

4 Days Training on Sugar Industry & Bioethanol production technologies
6th,7th,8th,&9th March 2007 | Manila -Phillipines

4 Days Training on Sugar Industry & Bioethanol production technologies
8th,9th,10th,&11th April 2008 | Manila -Phillipines

4 Days Training on Sugar Industry & Bioethanol production technologies
24th,25th,26th,&27th Marh 2009 | Manila -Phillipines

2 Days Training on Seminar on Textile ETP Water Reuse-Recycling
Thai Textile & Dyeing Association
18th & 19th Jan 2010 | Bangkok- Thailand

2 Days Training on Upcoming trends in Environmental Engineering
Tirupur Dyeing Asso.
26th & 27th April 2012 | Tirupur – India

2 Days Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Design & Engineering
Nagpur Industrial Association
7th & 8th Aug 2014 | Nagpur- India

1 day Training on WTP & ETP.
J P Mukherjee & Associates
19th & 20th Sept 2014 | Pune- India

2 Days Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Design & Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
11th & 12th March 2014 | Pune- India

2 Days Training on STP, ETP and ZLD Design and Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
26th & 27th March 2014 | Dubai

2 Days Training on Sewage treatment Plant design and Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
6th & 7th June 2014 | Chandigarh- India

2 Days Training on ETP and ZLD Design & Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
25th & 26th July 2014 | New Delhi- India

2 Days Training on ETP Design, Operation and Maintenance
Organised by 3rd party
5th & 6th July 2014 | Mumbai- India

2 Days Training on Seminar on Effluent treatment plant inside.
Organised by 3rd party
22nd & 23rd Aug 2014 | Jaipur- India

2 Days Training on ETP Design, Operation and Maintenance
Organised by 3rd party
12th & 13th Sept 2014 | New Delhi- India

2 Days Training on ETP Design, Operation and Maintenance
Organised by 3rd party
20th & 21st Sept 2014 | Pune- India

2 Days Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Design & Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
14th & 15th Oct 2014 | Dubai

2 Days Training on Seminar on Effluent treatment plant inside.
Organised by 3rd party
7th & 8th Nov 2014 | Nagpur- India

2 Days Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Design & Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
12th & 13th Dec 2014 | Indore- India

2 Days Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Design & Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
6th & 7th Feb 2015 | Raipur- India

2 Days Training on ETP operation & Design engineering
Honda Motor Cycles & Scooters Ltd
29th&30th April 2015 | New Delhi – india

2 Days Training on ETP operations and Chemical usage.
In House Training
25th & 26th Feb 2015 | Banswara- India

2 Days Training on Water Reuse and Recycle
Organised by 3rd party
27th & 28th Feb 2015 |

3 Days Training on Urban Water & Waste Management Technologies and applications.
Organised by 3rd party
30th ,31st Jan & 1st Feb 2015 | New Delhi- India

2 Days Training on Water Reuse and Recycle
Organised by 3rd party
28th&29thJan 2015 | Mumbai- India

2 Days Training on Workshop & Training- Water & Waste Water
Organised by 3rd party
21st & 22nd Jan 2016 | Dubai – UAE

2 Days Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Design & Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
10th & 11th March 2016 | Pune- India

2 Days Training on Upcoming trends in Environmental Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
21st & 22nd July 2016 | Ahmedabad

2 Days Training on Jute Processing & Textile Effluent Treatment
Organised by 3rd party
24th, & 25th Aug 2016 | New-Delhi India

2 Days Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Design & Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
5th, 6th & 7th May 2016 | Malaysia

2 Days Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Design & Engineering
Organised by 3rd party
3rd & 4th Mar 2016 | Banglore

2 Days Training on ETP operation & Design engineering
Organised by 3rd party
2nd & 3rd Sept 2016 | Ahmedabad

2 Days Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Design & Engineering
In house Training
29th & 30th Dec 2016 | Nagpur- India

2 Days Training on Seminar on Effluent treatment plant inside.
Organised by 3rd party
20th & 21st Jan 2017 | Pune- India

2 Days Training on Effluent Treatment Plant Design & Engineering
In house Training
18th & 19th April 2017 | Nagpur- India

2 Days Training on ETP operation & Design engineering
Organised by 3rd party
9th & 10th June 2017 | Banglore